So, it appears some time has passed since my last post. In that time, I've turned down two jobs with Habitat for Humanity and I said goodbye to my former employer, ArgonST. At this moment, I am heading west to San Diego where I'll be working with a friend I've made in the last year. Although I've visited the West Coast several times, I've never lived there -- so this is an exciting time for me.
What's makes it more exciting is that yesterday when I stopped at an Emergency Room in Deming, New Mexico, the doctor informed me the reason I'm having chills, fever and coughing is because I have pneumonia. Based on yesterday's temperature, and the degree of the chills I was having -- I extrapolate that the fever I was running on Tuesday was at least 159 degrees.
Now, several shots and a few antibiotics later, I don't cough every 30 seconds and I generally feel much better.
Because I am currently unemployed, I have no health coverage. Let's just say in the 21 months leading up to the presidential election, I will support those candidates that promise to provide some type of universal health coverage.