Thursday, August 31, 2006

Another Dedication

Although we were scheduled to dedicate the last house on Faith Court, and the street itself today, we rescheduled at the last moment to only dedicate the house. This was mainly due to weather, as we had the threat of rain all day and the mayor's calendar wasn't suited for an outside, rainy event. Hopefully, next Tuesday we'll dedicate the street that Habitat built.

Even without all the pomp and circumstance we would have had, it was a very nice celebration. Although we had many of our new AmeriCorps, it was much like the celebrations we had when I first arrived, our hard-working staff, a sponsor and homeowners that we have really grown to love. It was a very special day.

Paul & Bernice are such warm and genuine people. The wonderful part of this story is one of the first houses that I worked on in Baton Rouge was for their daughter, and today we dedicated the house we built for them just three doors down. In fact, the first time I tried to take Bernice's photograph, at Omeisha's dedication, I had to beg her to be in the photo. Today wasn't much different in that regard. For me, today was a wonderful reminder of what I came here to do, and like all good stories, the end of this one came full circle back to Faith Court.


JamesF said...

Cool, sounds like events are slowly causing your batteries to get recharged. That's good, right?

And what's up with all the posts lately? It's almost to the point of being semi regular. :-)

mattfite said...

i am a bit recharged, and that's good.

And what's up with all the posts lately? It's almost to the point of being semi regular. :-)

peer pressure is a powerful thing.

also, i started this blog primarily to report on happenings in SoLa during the period of rebuilding. Along the way, I've gotten more comfortable posting one of my 'Thoughts on a ... day' ramblings as well as some insight into what i'm trying to do in life.

it hasn't hurt, as i mentioned a couple of posts back - i'm a bit more comfortable in my own skin than i was a year ago.

finally, i had a decent readership back in february and march, but because i slacked so much, it's dwindled back down to the loyal twenty or so that routinely check here. so, in a effort to retain my statistics and to keep you guys updated, in the words of Jules from Pulp Fiction, "I'm trying Ringo, I'm trying real hard..."

of course, now that you've jinxed it - i bet i don't post again for six weeks. thanks.