Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Hey, Hey. I got my 'A'

Now that the end is near, and I have successfully completed my term here as an AmeriCorps with Habitat for Humanity - a friend gave me a wonderful gift, my very own AmeriCorps/Habitat shirt. I finally have my very own A.


JamesF said...

Gratz! GG!

Scott said...

Congrats, Matt!

Scott said...

Did you see the interview with Clinton on the Daily Show the other night. He was talking all about his Clinton Initiative (or whatever it's called). He also gave props to Gates and Buffett for their recent philanphropy.

Anyhow, if you didn't catch it, it's worth catching in reruns.

mattfite said...

[longstar to Nilrem] heh - gg!

cherell: i really like the photo.

don/scott: i did see the interview, and agree it's worth watching. i liked his response about politics vs public service, especially the comment "if all the people you voted for did all that they promised, there's still more that would need to be done." (probably poorly paraphrased) i'm really looking forward to his public service book that's due out next year. i didn't know about the New Yorker interview, but will check it out.

(it can also be caught on the daily show website as well as youtube)