Monday, January 16, 2006


I just want to say that I have no idea what I'm doing with a blog. When the world-wide web was young, I think it was ok to link to other sites. But now, it seems 'hot-linking' may be frowned upon? Maybe it has to do with pointing to someone else's site with a sizeable download or something, rather than just text.

Anyway, before I get yelled at for doing something wrong - I just wanted to say I'm sorry if I am. I just don't know any better.

Also,'s spell checker doesn't know what a 'blog' is. heh.


JamesF said...

What did you link that someone complained about? And I personally wouldn't worry about the linking unless you have a significant amount of traffic (I know mine doesn't have that much, so I never worry about it).

mattfite said...

no, noone has complained. it was preemptive. i linked to the editorial on the site and when i found it on the web, i was going to link to the local news coverage (video) of them.

earlier, i linked to a few news reports and i've seem some people complain about such at other sites.

good point about the traffic. noone should have to upgrade their OC-3 quite yet.